New Year message from Free West Papua Campaign

January 1, 2014


West Papua refugees in Blakwara Camp in Papua New Guinea, dream of a better future for 2014

On behalf of the people of West Papua we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year 2014.

We would like to thank you all for the incredible support that you have all shown the suffering West Papuan people throughout 2013. We know that you will continue to be a great and much needed voice for freedom as West Papua enters the new year.

Let us all pray and hope with all our hearts that this will be the year when West Papua will finally be free. The year that every Papuan child can grow up freely in their own country and raise their own children in freedom and peace.

Help us to make this dream for a Free West Papua a reality.

One day, we promise, this year or next year or in many years,

West Papua will be Free.

Thank you all very much